Successful Simultaneous Endovascular Repair of Traumatic Portal Vein Pseudoaneurysm and Aortic Injury
Seon Uoo Choi, Seon Hee Kim, Sung Jin Park, Chan Ik Park, Up Huh, Seunghwan Song, Chang Won Kim, Hyuk Jin Choi
J Acute Care Surg. 2018;8(2):83-85.   Published online 2018 Oct 30     DOI:
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Traumatic Visceral Venous Pseudoaneurysm
Vignesh Kumar, Anand Katiyar, Niladri Banerjee, Sunny Aggarwal, Suyash Singh, Harshit Agarwal
Indian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery.2022; 9(1): 48.     CrossRef