Management of Open Abdominal Wound with Negative Pressure Wound Therapy |
음압상처치료를 이용한 개방성 복부의 치료 |
심홍진ㆍ장지영ㆍ이재길 |
Division of Surgical Critical Care and Trauma, Department of Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea |
Abstract |
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) is very effective to not only simple wound but also such a complicated wound that can be observed in trauma patients. Herein, we introduce two experiences that the NPWT is used in surgical patient's wound management effectively. One is a postoperative patient with abdominal wall defect and the other is a trauma patient with hip joint amputation and adjacent abdominal defect. (J Surg Crit Care 2012;2:62-66) |
Key Words:
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy, Open abdomen |